Good morning my friends, good morning early. How is everyone? Greetings happy for us all because it had been given health today. On this occasion I will make a speech so please friends calm and do not fuss.
Forests are not only shelter and protection or a specific research, but in the context of forest life has a lot of functions. Forests not only as a producer of wood, but the forest is an influential business sector to economic growth and the country's largest foreign exchange assets. Lately, the existence of forest in West Kalimantan is very critical in because many penenbangan wild land fires. Here I invite my friends to get to know the forest and preserve it. Forest timber is very supportive of human life on earth. In the technology of many products derived from forests such as wood, cabinets, chairs, blackboards, and wood as well as the construction of basic building materials.
Preservation of forests need to guess note that human needs can be met sourced from forests and forest where we need to introduce to the public so that they know there is great benefit in the survival of our forests. Lately, dean of forestry Gusti Hardiansyah, began working on forest education in this western kaliamantan which covers about 200 hectares and scattered in three different places including Kubu Raya, Porcupine, and Mempawah. Procurement of forest education can direct approval from the forestry minister and adviser under Tanjongpura University Rector Usman Thamrin.
Not only is it the benefits of forests in the life, the forest as well as a provider of herbal plants and medicines that humans need in survival. Sometimes we do not know the herbs and medicinal plants were generated from the forest, then from that point on we need to preserve the forest to all human activities related to forests not have problems like interrupted a cycle of the food chain for one structure having problems.
The forest is very closely linked to human life, we as human beings who feel their dependence on forests need to maintain a close and conserve forests in order all produced from forests can be utilized optimally.
Where forests have been able to produce wood and herbal plants and medicines, the forest is also the business sector, which means that forests can also provide employment for humans. To process forest products need their labor and the presence of forest in West Kalimantan which can lower the unemployment rate as well as creating business opportunities for humans. With the widespread existence of forests, people around him will benefit from the existence of the forest. Forest is closely related to human life, we can not underestimate the woods for almost of all forest benefits to be gained for human survival.
We as human beings who have a relationship with the forest, it is unfortunate to destroy forests and illegal logging. How much better we protect and preserve the forest so that we can reap the rewards of the forest. As moral human beings we need to protect the environment so that we do not feel the ferocity of a natural phenomenon caused by damage to the hands of irresponsible.
A few of my speech on this occasion, may hear and read the text of this speech can be beneficial. We apologize for the error word in this speech, I say thank you and happy greetings to us all ....
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